NotebookEditTool (NotebookEditCell): Jupyter Notebook Modification

NotebookEditTool enables precise modification of Jupyter notebooks by editing, inserting, or deleting individual cells while preserving the notebook's structure and metadata.

Complete Prompt

export const DESCRIPTION =
  'Replace the contents of a specific cell in a Jupyter notebook.'
export const PROMPT = `Completely replaces the contents of a specific cell in a Jupyter notebook (.ipynb file) with new source. Jupyter notebooks are interactive documents that combine code, text, and visualizations, commonly used for data analysis and scientific computing. The notebook_path parameter must be an absolute path, not a relative path. The cell_number is 0-indexed. Use edit_mode=insert to add a new cell at the index specified by cell_number. Use edit_mode=delete to delete the cell at the index specified by cell_number.`

Tool Prompt: NotebookEditCell

Completely replaces the contents of a specific cell in a Jupyter notebook (.ipynb file) with new source. Jupyter notebooks are interactive documents that combine code, text, and visualizations, commonly used for data analysis and scientific computing. The notebook_path parameter must be an absolute path, not a relative path. The cell_number is 0-indexed. Use edit_mode=insert to add a new cell at the index specified by cell_number. Use edit_mode=delete to delete the cell at the index specified by cell_number.

Implementation Details

NotebookEditTool validates inputs and handles notebook modifications with careful preservation of structure:

const inputSchema = z.strictObject({
  notebook_path: z
      'The absolute path to the Jupyter notebook file to edit (must be absolute, not relative)',
  cell_number: z.number().describe('The index of the cell to edit (0-based)'),
  new_source: z.string().describe('The new source for the cell'),
  cell_type: z
    .enum(['code', 'markdown'])
      'The type of the cell (code or markdown). If not specified, it defaults to the current cell type. If using edit_mode=insert, this is required.',
  edit_mode: z
      'The type of edit to make (replace, insert, delete). Defaults to replace.',

The core implementation handles the three editing modes and manages notebook structure:

async *call({
}) {
  const fullPath = isAbsolute(notebook_path)
    ? notebook_path
    : resolve(getCwd(), notebook_path)

  try {
    const enc = detectFileEncoding(fullPath)
    const content = readFileSync(fullPath, enc)
    const notebook = JSON.parse(content) as NotebookContent
    const language = notebook.metadata.language_info?.name ?? 'python'

    if (edit_mode === 'delete') {
      // Delete the specified cell
      notebook.cells.splice(cell_number, 1)
    } else if (edit_mode === 'insert') {
      // Insert the new cell
      const new_cell = {
        cell_type: cell_type!, // validateInput ensures cell_type is not undefined
        source: new_source,
        metadata: {},
        cell_type == 'markdown' ? new_cell : { ...new_cell, outputs: [] },
    } else {
      // Replace the specified cell's content
      const targetCell = notebook.cells[cell_number]! // validateInput ensures cell_number is in bounds
      targetCell.source = new_source
      // Reset execution count and clear outputs since cell was modified
      targetCell.execution_count = undefined
      targetCell.outputs = []
      if (cell_type && cell_type !== targetCell.cell_type) {
        targetCell.cell_type = cell_type
    // Write back to file
    const endings = detectLineEndings(fullPath)
      JSON.stringify(notebook, null, 1),
    // Return success result
    yield {
      type: 'result',
      data: { /* result data */ },
      resultForAssistant: this.renderResultForAssistant(data),
  } catch (error) {
    // Handle and report errors
    // ...

Key Components

NotebookEditTool has several important features:

  1. Multiple Editing Modes

    • replace: Updates existing cell content (default mode)
    • insert: Adds a new cell at a specified index
    • delete: Removes a cell at a specified index
  2. Comprehensive Validation

    • Verifies file exists and has .ipynb extension
    • Checks cell_number is within bounds for the operation
    • Ensures required parameters like cell_type are provided when needed
    • Validates edit_mode is one of the supported operations
  3. Notebook Structure Preservation

    • Maintains notebook metadata and overall structure
    • Handles different cell types appropriately
    • Clears execution counts and outputs on modified cells
    • Preserves file encoding and line endings
  4. Robust Error Handling

    • Handles JSON parsing errors
    • Reports specific error messages for validation failures
    • Provides user-friendly error reporting


The NotebookEditTool follows a structured workflow:

Input Validation → Checks for valid operations and boundaries
Notebook Loading → Reads and parses notebook JSON
Cell Modification → Applies changes based on edit_mode
Structure Cleanup → Resets execution counts and outputs
File Writing → Preserves encoding and formatting

The architecture prioritizes:

  • Data integrity: Preserves notebook format and metadata
  • Consistency: Cleans execution state for modified cells
  • Flexibility: Supports multiple editing operations
  • Safety: Validates operations before modifying files

Permission Handling

NotebookEditTool integrates with the permission system:

needsPermissions({ notebook_path }) {
  return !hasWritePermission(notebook_path)

This requires explicit user permission before modifying any notebook file, ensuring users maintain control over their data science workflows and preventing accidental modifications.

Usage Examples

Common usage patterns:

  1. Replacing a code cell's content

      notebook_path: "/path/to/notebook.ipynb",
      cell_number: 2,
      new_source: "import pandas as pd\npd.read_csv('data.csv')"
  2. Inserting a new markdown cell

      notebook_path: "/path/to/notebook.ipynb",
      cell_number: 0,
      new_source: "# Data Analysis\nThis notebook explores dataset trends.",
      cell_type: "markdown",
      edit_mode: "insert"
  3. Deleting an unwanted cell

      notebook_path: "/path/to/notebook.ipynb",
      cell_number: 5,
      new_source: "",
      edit_mode: "delete"

NotebookEditTool complements NotebookReadTool to provide a complete suite for working with Jupyter notebooks, enabling Claude to help users maintain and modify their data science workflows while respecting notebook structure and conventions.