Initialization Process

This section explores anon-kode's initialization process from CLI invocation to application readiness.

Startup Flow

When a user runs anon-kode, this sequence triggers:

The startup process follows these steps:

  1. CLI invocation
  2. Parse arguments
  3. Validate configuration
  4. Run system checks (Doctor, Permissions, Auto-updater)
  5. Setup environment (Set directory, Load global config, Load project config)
  6. Load tools
  7. Initialize REPL
  8. Ready for input

Entry Points

The initialization starts in two key files:

  1. CLI Entry: /anon-kode/cli.mjs

    • Main CLI entry point
    • Basic arg parsing
    • Delegates to application logic
  2. App Bootstrap: /anon-kode/src/entrypoints/cli.tsx

    • Contains main() function
    • Orchestrates initialization
    • Sets up React rendering

Entry Point (cli.mjs)

#!/usr/bin/env node
import 'source-map-support/register.js'
import './src/entrypoints/cli.js'

Main Bootstrap (cli.tsx)

async function main(): Promise<void> {
  // Validate configs

    .description(`${PRODUCT_NAME} - starts an interactive session by default...`)
    // Various command line options defined here
    .option('-c, --cwd <cwd>', 'set working directory')
    .option('-d, --debug', 'enable debug mode')
    // ... other options
  const options = program.opts()
  // Set up environment
  const cwd = options.cwd ? path.resolve(options.cwd) : process.cwd()
  // Load configurations and check permissions
  await showSetupScreens(dangerouslySkipPermissions, print)
  await setup(cwd, dangerouslySkipPermissions)
  // Load tools
  const [tools, mcpClients] = await Promise.all([
    getTools(enableArchitect ?? getCurrentProjectConfig().enableArchitectTool),
  // Render REPL interface
      messageLogName={dateToFilename(new Date())}

main().catch(error => {

Execution Sequence

  1. User executes command
  2. cli.mjs parses args & bootstraps
  3. cli.tsx calls enableConfigs()
  4. cli.tsx calls showSetupScreens()
  5. cli.tsx calls setup(cwd)
  6. cli.tsx calls getTools()
  7. cli.tsx renders REPL
  8. REPL displays interface to user

Configuration Loading

Early in the process, configs are validated and loaded:

  1. Enable Configuration:


    Ensures config files exist, are valid JSON, and initializes the config system.

  2. Load Global Config:


    Loads user's global config with defaults where needed.

  3. Load Project Config:


    Gets project-specific settings for the current directory.

The config system uses a hierarchical structure:

// Default configuration
  largeModel: undefined,
  smallModel: undefined,
  largeModelApiKey: undefined,
  smallModelApiKey: undefined,
  largeModelBaseURL: undefined,
  smallModelBaseURL: undefined,
  googleApiKey: undefined,
  googleProjectId: undefined,
  geminiModels: undefined,
  largeModelCustomProvider: undefined,
  smallModelCustomProvider: undefined,
  largeModelMaxTokens: undefined,
  smallModelMaxTokens: undefined,
  largeModelReasoningEffort: undefined,
  smallModelReasoningEffort: undefined,
  autoUpdaterStatus: undefined,
  costThreshold: 5,
  lastKnownExternalIP: undefined,
  localPort: undefined,
  trustedExecutables: [],
  // Project configs
  projects: {},
} as GlobalClaudeConfig

System Checks

Before the app starts, several checks run:

System Checks Overview

The system performs three main types of checks:

  1. Doctor

    • Environment check
    • Dependency check
  2. Permissions

    • Trust dialog
    • File permissions
  3. Auto-updater

    • Updater configuration
  4. Doctor Check:

    async function runDoctor(): Promise<void> {
      await new Promise<void>(resolve => {
        render(<Doctor onDone={() => resolve()} />)

    The Doctor component checks:

    • Node.js version
    • Required executables
    • Environment setup
    • Workspace permissions
  5. Permission Checks:

    // Check trust dialog
    const hasTrustDialogAccepted = checkHasTrustDialogAccepted()
    if (!hasTrustDialogAccepted) {
      await showTrustDialog()
    // Grant filesystem permissions 
    await grantReadPermissionForOriginalDir()

    Ensures user accepted trust dialog and granted needed permissions.

  6. Auto-updater Check:

    const autoUpdaterStatus = globalConfig.autoUpdaterStatus ?? 'not_configured'
    if (autoUpdaterStatus === 'not_configured') {
      // Initialize auto-updater

    Checks and initializes auto-update functionality.

Tool Loading

Tools load based on config and feature flags:

async function getTools(enableArchitectTool: boolean = false): Promise<Tool[]> {
  const tools: Tool[] = [
    new FileReadTool(),
    new GlobTool(),
    new GrepTool(),
    new lsTool(),
    new BashTool(),
    new FileEditTool(),
    new FileWriteTool(),
    new NotebookReadTool(),
    new NotebookEditTool(),
    new MemoryReadTool(),
    new MemoryWriteTool(),
    new AgentTool(),
    new ThinkTool(),
  // Add conditional tools
  if (enableArchitectTool) {
    tools.push(new ArchitectTool())
  return tools

This makes various tools available:

  • File tools (Read, Edit, Write)
  • Search tools (Glob, Grep, ls)
  • Agent tools (Agent, Architect)
  • Execution tools (Bash)
  • Notebook tools (Read, Edit)
  • Memory tools (Read, Write)
  • Thinking tool (Think)

REPL Initialization

The final step initializes the REPL interface:

REPL Initialization Components

The REPL initialization process involves several parallel steps:

  1. Load system prompt

    • Base prompt
    • Environment info
  2. Set up context

    • Working directory
    • Git context
  3. Configure model

    • Model parameters
    • Token limits
  4. Initialize message handlers

    • Message renderer
    • Input handlers

The REPL component handles interactive sessions:

// Inside REPL component
useEffect(() => {
  async function init() {
    // Load prompt, context, model and token limits
    const [systemPrompt, context, model, maxThinkingTokens] = await Promise.all([
        history.length > 0
    // Set up message handlers
      onNewMessage: handleNewMessage,
      onUserMessage: handleUserMessage,
      // ... other handlers
    // Initialize model params
      // ... other parameters
    // Ready for input
}, [])

The REPL component manages:

  1. User interface rendering
  2. Message flow between user and AI
  3. User input and command processing
  4. Tool execution
  5. Conversation history

Context Loading

The context gathering process builds AI information:

async function getContext(): Promise<Record<string, unknown>> {
  // Directory context
  const directoryStructure = await getDirectoryStructure()
  // Git status
  const gitContext = await getGitContext()
  // User context from
  const userContext = await loadUserContext()
  return {
    gitStatus: gitContext,
    userDefinedContext: userContext,
    // Other context

This includes:

  • Directory structure
  • Git repo status and history
  • User-defined context from
  • Environment info

Command Registration

Commands register during initialization:

const commands: Record<string, Command> = {
  help: helpCommand,
  model: modelCommand,
  config: configCommand,
  cost: costCommand,
  doctor: doctorCommand,
  clear: clearCommand,
  logout: logoutCommand,
  login: loginCommand,
  resume: resumeCommand,
  compact: compactCommand,
  bug: bugCommand,
  init: initCommand,
  release_notes: releaseNotesCommand,
  // ... more commands

Each command implements a standard interface:

interface Command {
  name: string
  description: string
  execute: (args: string[], messages: Message[]) => Promise<CommandResult>
  // ... other properties

Complete Initialization Flow

The full sequence:

  1. User runs CLI command
  2. CLI entry point loads
  3. Args parse
  4. Config validates and loads
  5. System checks run
  6. Environment sets up
  7. Tools load
  8. Commands register
  9. REPL initializes
  10. System prompt and context load
  11. Model configures
  12. Message handlers set up
  13. UI renders
  14. System ready for input

Practical Implications

This initialization creates consistency while adapting to user config:

  1. Modularity: Components load conditionally based on config
  2. Configurability: Global and project-specific settings
  3. Health Checks: System verification ensures proper setup
  4. Context Building: Automatic context gathering provides relevant info
  5. Tool Availability: Tools load based on config and feature flags