System Architecture Diagram

Claude Code solves a core challenge: making an AI coding assistant responsive while handling complex operations. It's not just an API wrapper but a system where components work together for a natural coding experience.

🏗️ Architectural Philosophy: A system designed for real-time interaction with large codebases where each component handles a specific responsibility within a consistent information flow.

High-Level Architecture Overview

The diagram below illustrates the core architecture of Claude Code, organized into four key domains that show how information flows through the system:

  1. User-Facing Layer: Where you interact with the system
  2. Conversation Management: Handles the flow of messages and maintains context
  3. Claude AI Integration: Connects with Claude's intelligence capabilities
  4. External World Interaction: Allows Claude to interact with files and your environment

This organization shows the journey of a user request: starting from the user interface, moving through conversation management to Claude's AI, then interacting with the external world if needed, and finally returning results back up the chain.

flowchart TB
    %% Define the main components
    UI[User Interface] --> MSG[Message Processing]
    MSG --> QRY[Query System]
    QRY --> API[API Integration]
    API --> TOOL[Tool System]
    TOOL --> PAR[Parallel Execution]
    PAR --> API
    API --> MSG
    %% Group components into domains
    subgraph "User-Facing Layer"
    subgraph "Conversation Management"
    subgraph "Claude AI Integration"
    subgraph "External World Interaction"
    %% Distinct styling for each component with improved text contrast
    classDef uiStyle fill:#d9f7be,stroke:#389e0d,stroke-width:2px,color:#000000
    classDef msgStyle fill:#d6e4ff,stroke:#1d39c4,stroke-width:2px,color:#000000
    classDef queryStyle fill:#fff1b8,stroke:#d48806,stroke-width:2px,color:#000000
    classDef apiStyle fill:#ffd6e7,stroke:#c41d7f,stroke-width:2px,color:#000000
    classDef toolStyle fill:#fff2e8,stroke:#d4380d,stroke-width:2px,color:#000000
    classDef parStyle fill:#f5f5f5,stroke:#434343,stroke-width:2px,color:#000000
    %% Apply styles to components
    class UI uiStyle
    class MSG msgStyle
    class QRY queryStyle
    class API apiStyle
    class TOOL toolStyle
    class PAR parStyle

Key Components

Each component handles a specific job in the architecture. Let's look at them individually before seeing how they work together. For detailed implementation of these components, see the Core Architecture page.

User Interface Layer

The UI layer manages what you see and how you interact with Claude Code in the terminal.

flowchart TB
    UI_Input["PromptInput.tsx\nUser Input Capture"]
    UI_Messages["Message Components\nText, Tool Use, Results"]
    UI_REPL["REPL.tsx\nMain UI Loop"]
    UI_Input --> UI_REPL
    UI_REPL --> UI_Messages
    UI_Messages --> UI_REPL
    classDef UI fill:#d9f7be,stroke:#389e0d,color:#000000
    class UI_Input,UI_Messages,UI_REPL UI

Built with React and Ink for rich terminal interactions, the UI's key innovation is its streaming capability. Instead of waiting for complete answers, it renders partial responses as they arrive.

  • PromptInput.tsx - Captures user input with history navigation and command recognition
  • Message Components - Renders text, code blocks, tool outputs, and errors
  • REPL.tsx - Maintains conversation state and orchestrates the interaction loop

Message Processing

This layer takes raw user input and turns it into something the system can work with.

flowchart TB
    MSG_Process["processUserInput()\nCommand Detection"]
    MSG_Format["Message Normalization"]
    MSG_State["messages.ts\nMessage State"]
    MSG_Process --> MSG_Format
    MSG_Format --> MSG_State
    classDef MSG fill:#d6e4ff,stroke:#1d39c4,color:#000000
    class MSG_Process,MSG_Format,MSG_State MSG

Before generating responses, the system needs to understand and route user input:

  • processUserInput() - Routes input by distinguishing between regular prompts, slash commands (/), and bash commands (!)
  • Message Normalization - Converts different message formats into consistent structures
  • messages.ts - Manages message state throughout the conversation history

Query System

The query system is the brain of Claude Code, coordinating everything from user input to AI responses.

flowchart TB
    QRY_Main["query.ts\nMain Query Logic"]
    QRY_Format["Message Formatting"]
    QRY_Generator["async generators\nStreaming Results"]
    QRY_Main --> QRY_Format
    QRY_Format --> QRY_Generator
    classDef QRY fill:#fff1b8,stroke:#d48806,color:#000000
    class QRY_Main,QRY_Format,QRY_Generator QRY
🔑 Critical Path: The query.ts file contains the essential logic that powers conversational capabilities, coordinating between user input, AI processing, and tool execution.
  • query.ts - Implements the main query generator orchestrating conversation flow
  • Message Formatting - Prepares API-compatible messages with appropriate context
  • Async Generators - Enable token-by-token streaming for immediate feedback

Tool System

The tool system lets Claude interact with your environment - reading files, running commands, and making changes.

flowchart TB
    TOOL_Manager["Tool Management"]
    TOOL_Permission["Permission System"]
    subgraph "Read-Only Tools"
        TOOL_Glob["GlobTool\nFile Pattern Matching"]
        TOOL_Grep["GrepTool\nContent Searching"]
        TOOL_View["View\nFile Reading"]
        TOOL_LS["LS\nDirectory Listing"]

    subgraph "Non-Read-Only Tools"
        TOOL_Edit["Edit\nFile Modification"]
        TOOL_Bash["Bash\nCommand Execution"]
        TOOL_Write["Replace\nFile Writing"]

    TOOL_Manager --> TOOL_Permission
    TOOL_Permission --> Read-Only-Tools
    TOOL_Permission --> Non-Read-Only-Tools
    classDef TOOL fill:#fff2e8,stroke:#d4380d,color:#000000
    class TOOL_Manager,TOOL_Glob,TOOL_Grep,TOOL_View,TOOL_LS,TOOL_Edit,TOOL_Bash,TOOL_Write,TOOL_Permission TOOL

This system is what separates Claude Code from other coding assistants. Instead of just talking about code, Claude can directly interact with it:

  • Tool Management - Registers and manages available tools
  • Read-Only Tools - Safe operations that don't modify state (GlobTool, GrepTool, View, LS)
  • Non-Read-Only Tools - Operations that modify files or execute commands (Edit, Bash, Replace)
  • Permission System - Enforces security boundaries between tool capabilities

API Integration

This component handles communication with Claude's API endpoints to get language processing capabilities.

flowchart TB
    API_Claude["services/claude.ts\nAPI Client"]
    API_Format["Request/Response Formatting"]
    API_Claude --> API_Format
    classDef API fill:#ffd6e7,stroke:#c41d7f,color:#000000
    class API_Claude,API_Format API
  • services/claude.ts - Manages API connections, authentication, and error handling
  • Request/Response Formatting - Transforms internal message formats to/from API structures

Parallel Execution

One of Claude Code's key performance features is its ability to run operations concurrently rather than one at a time.

flowchart TB
    PAR_Check["Read-Only Check"]
    PAR_Generator["generators.all()\nConcurrency Control"]
    PAR_Sort["Result Sorting"]
    PAR_Check -->|"All Read-Only"| PAR_Concurrent
    PAR_Check -->|"Any Non-Read-Only"| PAR_Serial
    PAR_Concurrent & PAR_Serial --> PAR_Generator
    PAR_Generator --> PAR_Sort
    classDef PAR fill:#f5f5f5,stroke:#434343,color:#000000
    class PAR_Check,PAR_Concurrent,PAR_Serial,PAR_Generator,PAR_Sort PAR
🔍 Performance Pattern: When searching codebases, the system examines multiple files simultaneously rather than sequentially, dramatically improving response time.
  • Read-Only Check - Determines if requested tools can safely run in parallel
  • runToolsConcurrently() - Executes compatible tools simultaneously
  • runToolsSerially() - Executes tools sequentially when order matters or safety requires it
  • generators.all() - Core utility managing multiple concurrent async generators
  • Result Sorting - Ensures consistent ordering regardless of execution timing

Integrated Data Flow

Now that we've seen each component, here's how they all work together in practice, with the domains clearly labeled:

flowchart TB
    User([Human User]) -->|Types request| UI
    subgraph "User-Facing Layer"
        UI -->|Shows results| User
    subgraph "Conversation Management"
        UI -->|Processes input| MSG
        MSG -->|Maintains context| QRY
        QRY -->|Returns response| MSG
        MSG -->|Displays output| UI
    subgraph "Claude AI Integration"
        QRY -->|Sends request| API
        API -->|Returns response| QRY
    subgraph "External World Interaction"
        API -->|Requests tool use| TOOL
        TOOL -->|Runs operations| PAR
        PAR -->|Returns results| TOOL
        TOOL -->|Provides results| API
    classDef system fill:#f9f9f9,stroke:#333333,color:#000000
    classDef external fill:#e6f7ff,stroke:#1890ff,stroke-width:2px,color:#000000
    class UI,MSG,QRY,API,TOOL,PAR system
    class User external

This diagram shows four key interaction patterns:

  1. Human-System Loop: You type a request, and Claude Code processes it and shows results

    • Example: You ask "How does this code work?" and get an explanation
  2. AI Consultation: Your request gets sent to Claude for analysis

    • Example: Claude analyzes code structure and identifies design patterns
  3. Environment Interaction: Claude uses tools to interact with your files and system

    • Example: Claude searches for relevant files, reads them, and makes changes
  4. Feedback Cycle: Results from tools feed back into Claude's thinking

    • Example: After reading a file, Claude refines its explanation based on what it found

What makes Claude Code powerful is that these patterns work together seamlessly. Instead of just chatting about code, Claude can actively explore, understand, and modify it in real-time.