clear Command

The clear command provides a way to reset the current conversation, clear the message history, and free up context space.


The command is implemented in commands/clear.ts as a type: 'local' command, which means it doesn't render a UI component but rather performs an operation directly:

import { Command } from "../commands";
import { getMessagesSetter } from "../messages";
import { getContext } from "../context";
import { getCodeStyle } from "../utils/style";
import { clearTerminal } from "../utils/terminal";
import { getOriginalCwd, setCwd } from "../utils/state";
import { Message } from "../query";

export async function clearConversation(context: {
  setForkConvoWithMessagesOnTheNextRender: (
    forkConvoWithMessages: Message[]
  ) => void;
}) {
  await clearTerminal();
  await setCwd(getOriginalCwd());

const clear = {
  type: "local",
  name: "clear",
  description: "Clear conversation history and free up context",
  isEnabled: true,
  isHidden: false,
  async call(_, context) {
    return "";
  userFacingName() {
    return "clear";
} satisfies Command;

export default clear;


The clear command performs several key operations:

  1. Terminal Cleaning: Uses clearTerminal() to visually reset the terminal display.

  2. Message History Reset: Sets the message array to empty using getMessagesSetter()([]).

  3. Context Clearing: Clears the cached context information using getContext.cache.clear().

  4. Style Cache Reset: Clears the cached code style information with getCodeStyle.cache.clear().

  5. Working Directory Reset: Resets the current working directory to the original one using setCwd(getOriginalCwd()).

  6. Conversation Forking Reset: Clears any pending conversation forks via the context parameter.

Technical Implementation Notes

The clear command makes use of several architectural patterns in Claude Code:

  1. Getter/Setter Pattern: Uses message setter functions obtained through getMessagesSetter() rather than directly manipulating a message store, allowing for changes to be reactive across the UI.

  2. Cache Invalidation: Explicitly clears caches for context and code style information to ensure fresh data when the user continues.

  3. State Management: Demonstrates how state (like current working directory) is reset when clearing a conversation.

  4. Context Parameter: Receives a context object from the command system that allows it to interact with the component rendering the REPL.

  5. Separate Function: The core functionality is extracted into a separate clearConversation function, which allows it to be used by other parts of the system if needed.

User Experience Considerations

From a UX perspective, the clear command provides several benefits:

  1. Context Space Management: Allows users to free up context space when they hit limitations with model context windows.

  2. Fresh Start: Provides a clean slate for starting a new conversation without entirely restarting the CLI.

  3. Visual Reset: The terminal clearing provides immediate visual feedback that the conversation has been reset.

The clear command is simple but vital for long-running CLI sessions, where context management becomes crucial for effective use of the LLM.