Replace: Creating and Updating Files

Replace writes or overwrites entire files on the filesystem, handling complete file creation or replacement rather than targeted edits.

Complete Prompt

export const PROMPT = `Write a file to the local filesystem. Overwrites the existing file if there is one.

Before using this tool:

1. Use the ReadFile tool to understand the file's contents and context

2. Directory Verification (only applicable when creating new files):
   - Use the LS tool to verify the parent directory exists and is the correct location`

export const DESCRIPTION = 'Write a file to the local filesystem.'

Tool Prompt: Replace

Write a file to the local filesystem. Overwrites the existing file if there is one.

Before using this tool:

  1. Use the ReadFile tool to understand the file's contents and context

  2. Directory Verification (only applicable when creating new files):

    • Use the LS tool to verify the parent directory exists and is the correct location

How It Works

Replace takes two required parameters and handles file operations with contextual awareness:

const inputSchema = z.strictObject({
  file_path: z
      'The absolute path to the file to write (must be absolute, not relative)',
  content: z.string().describe('The content to write to the file'),

The implementation handles both creating new files and updating existing ones with appropriate safety checks:

async *call({ file_path, content }, { readFileTimestamps }) {
  const fullFilePath = isAbsolute(file_path)
    ? file_path
    : resolve(getCwd(), file_path)
  const dir = dirname(fullFilePath)
  const oldFileExists = existsSync(fullFilePath)
  const enc = oldFileExists ? detectFileEncoding(fullFilePath) : 'utf-8'
  const oldContent = oldFileExists ? readFileSync(fullFilePath, enc) : null

  const endings = oldFileExists
    ? detectLineEndings(fullFilePath)
    : await detectRepoLineEndings(getCwd())

  mkdirSync(dir, { recursive: true })
  writeTextContent(fullFilePath, content, enc, endings!)

  // Update read timestamp, to invalidate stale writes
  readFileTimestamps[fullFilePath] = statSync(fullFilePath).mtimeMs

  if (oldContent) {
    const patch = getPatch({
      filePath: file_path,
      fileContents: oldContent,
      oldStr: oldContent,
      newStr: content,

    // Return update result with diff information
    const data = {
      type: 'update' as const,
      filePath: file_path,
      structuredPatch: patch,
    yield {
      type: 'result',
      resultForAssistant: this.renderResultForAssistant(data),

  // Return create result
  const data = {
    type: 'create' as const,
    filePath: file_path,
    structuredPatch: [],
  yield {
    type: 'result',
    resultForAssistant: this.renderResultForAssistant(data),

Key Features

Replace includes these important capabilities:

  1. Input Validation

    • Validates file paths
    • Prevents timestamp conflicts
    • Creates directories for new files
  2. Content Management

    • Detects encoding for existing files (UTF-8, UTF-16LE, ASCII)
    • Preserves line endings (CRLF/LF)
    • Maintains consistent formatting
  3. Change Visualization

    • Shows diffs for file updates
    • Provides previews for new files
    • Truncates large files for display
  4. Conflict Prevention

    • Tracks read timestamps
    • Detects external modifications
    • Prevents overwriting recently modified files


The Replace tool follows a structured flow:

FileWriteTool.tsx (React component)
validateInput() → Checks if file can be safely written
call() → Writes content with appropriate encoding and line endings
renderToolResultMessage() → Shows changes to user
renderResultForAssistant() → Returns formatted result for Claude

The tool handles two main operations with different display approaches:

  • Create: Shows complete file content with syntax highlighting
  • Update: Shows diff between old and new versions


Replace enforces a strict permission model:

needsPermissions({ file_path }) {
  return !hasWritePermission(file_path)

This requires explicit user approval before writing to any location. The permission UI shows:

  • Content preview for new files
  • Structured diff for file updates
  • The exact file path being modified

Additional validation safeguards include:

async validateInput({ file_path }, { readFileTimestamps }) {
  // Allow creating new files without read check
  if (!existsSync(fullFilePath)) {
    return { result: true }

  // Require existing files to be read first
  const readTimestamp = readFileTimestamps[fullFilePath]
  if (!readTimestamp) {
    return {
      result: false,
      message: 'File has not been read yet. Read it first before writing to it.',

  // Prevent race conditions with external changes
  const stats = statSync(fullFilePath)
  const lastWriteTime = stats.mtimeMs
  if (lastWriteTime > readTimestamp) {
    return {
      result: false,
      message: 'File has been modified since read... Read it again before attempting to write it.',

  return { result: true }

Usage Examples

Common usage patterns:

  1. Creating a new file

    Replace(file_path: "/path/to/new-file.txt", content: "New file content here")
  2. Overwriting an existing file

    Replace(file_path: "/path/to/existing-file.js", content: "Updated content here")

FileWriteTool complements FileEditTool by handling complete file creation or replacement rather than targeted edits, making it the preferred choice when:

  • Creating entirely new files
  • Completely rewriting an existing file's contents
  • Avoiding multiple sequential edits to the same file