GrepTool: Search Inside Files

GrepTool searches through file contents using regex patterns. Built on ripgrep, it's blazing fast even in large codebases.

Complete Prompt

// Tool Prompt: GrepTool
export const DESCRIPTION = `
- Fast content search tool that works with any codebase size
- Searches file contents using regular expressions
- Supports full regex syntax (eg. "log.*Error", "function\\s+\\w+", etc.)
- Filter files by pattern with the include parameter (eg. "*.js", "*.{ts,tsx}")
- Returns matching file paths sorted by modification time
- Use this tool when you need to find files containing specific patterns
- When you are doing an open ended search that may require multiple rounds of globbing and grepping, use the Agent tool instead

Tool Prompt: GrepTool

  • Fast content search tool that works with any codebase size
  • Searches file contents using regular expressions
  • Supports full regex syntax (eg. "log.*Error", "function\s+\w+", etc.)
  • Filter files by pattern with the include parameter (eg. ".js", ".{ts,tsx}")
  • Returns matching file paths sorted by modification time
  • Use this tool when you need to find files containing specific patterns
  • When you are doing an open ended search that may require multiple rounds of globbing and grepping, use the Agent tool instead

How It Works

GrepTool has two main parts:

  1. The UI component (GrepTool.tsx)

    • Validates your search params
    • Handles permissions
    • Formats the results nicely
  2. The ripgrep wrapper (ripgrep.ts)

    • Runs the super-fast Rust-based ripgrep tool
    • Works across all platforms
    • Handles the nitty-gritty details

Here's what the search function looks like:

// Core search implementation from GrepTool.tsx
async *call({ pattern, path, include }, { abortController }) {
  const start =
  const absolutePath = getAbsolutePath(path) || getCwd()

  // Build ripgrep arguments
  const args = ['-li', pattern]  // -l: files-with-matches, -i: case-insensitive
  if (include) {
    args.push('--glob', include)  // File pattern filtering

  // Execute ripgrep search
  const results = await ripGrep(args, absolutePath, abortController.signal)

  // Get file stats for sorting by modification time
  const stats = await Promise.all( => stat(_)))
  const matches = results
    .map((_, i) => [_, stats[i]!] as const)
    .sort((a, b) => {
      // Sort by modification time (newest first)
      return (b[1].mtimeMs ?? 0) - (a[1].mtimeMs ?? 0)
    .map(_ => _[0])

  // Return results
  const output = {
    filenames: matches,
    durationMs: - start,
    numFiles: matches.length,

  yield {
    type: 'result',
    resultForAssistant: this.renderResultForAssistant(output),
    data: output,

And here's how it connects to ripgrep:

// From ripgrep.ts - platform-specific optimizations
export async function ripGrep(
  args: string[],
  target: string,
  abortSignal: AbortSignal,
): Promise<string[]> {
  await codesignRipgrepIfNecessary()  // macOS-specific code signing
  const rg = ripgrepPath()  // Get platform-specific binary
  return new Promise(resolve => {
      [...args, target],
        maxBuffer: 1_000_000,  // 1MB buffer for large results
        signal: abortSignal,   // Support for cancellation
        timeout: 10_000,       // 10-second timeout
      (error, stdout) => {
        if (error) {
          // Exit code 1 from ripgrep means "no matches found" - this is normal
          if (error.code !== 1) {
        } else {

Key Features

GrepTool provides:

  1. Performance

    • ripgrep-powered search engine
    • Result limit for responsiveness
    • Truncation indicators
    • Cancellation support
  2. Cross-platform

    • Bundled ripgrep binaries
    • macOS code signing
    • OS-agnostic path handling
  3. Search capabilities

    • Regex pattern matching
    • Case-insensitive by default
    • File type filtering
    • Filename-only results


GrepTool follows this structure:

GrepTool.tsx (UI component)
ripGrep() in ripgrep.ts (Main logic)
ripgrep CLI binary (The engine)

Key design choices:

  • Bundled ripgrep binaries for immediate use
  • -li flags for file-only matching
  • Read-only designation allowing parallel execution
  • Recency-based result sorting


GrepTool keeps permissions simple:

needsPermissions({ path }) {
  return !hasReadPermission(path || getCwd())

It just checks if Claude can read the directory you're searching in. Once you grant access to a directory, it applies to all searches in that directory.


Here are some common searches:

  1. Find function definitions

    GrepTool(pattern: "function\\s+getUserData")
  2. Search just specific file types

    GrepTool(pattern: "import.*React", include: "*.tsx")
  3. Look for error handling

    GrepTool(pattern: "catch.*Error", path: "/path/to/src")

GrepTool complements GlobTool - use Glob for file name patterns and Grep for content searching. Particularly effective for locating code patterns like function definitions, imports, and error handling.