model Command

[!WARNING] This command implementation is specific to the anon-kode fork of Claude Code and is not part of the original Claude Code codebase. The analysis below pertains to this specific implementation rather than standard Claude Code functionality.

The model command provides users with a comprehensive interface to configure and customize the AI models used by Claude Code, enabling fine-grained control over model selection, parameters, and provider settings.


The command is implemented in commands/model.tsx as a type: 'local-jsx' command that renders a React component for model configuration:

import React from "react";
import { render } from "ink";
import { ModelSelector } from "../components/ModelSelector";
import { enableConfigs } from "../utils/config";

export const help = "Change your AI provider and model settings";
export const description = "Change your AI provider and model settings";
export const isEnabled = true;
export const isHidden = false;
export const name = "model";
export const type = "local-jsx";

export function userFacingName(): string {
  return name;

export async function call(
  onDone: (result?: string) => void,
  { abortController }: { abortController?: AbortController }
): Promise<React.ReactNode> {
  return (
      onDone={() => {

The command uses a different export style than other commands, directly exporting properties and functions rather than a single object. The main functionality is handled by the ModelSelector component, which provides an interactive UI for configuring model settings.


The model command provides a sophisticated model selection and configuration workflow:

  1. Multi-Model Management:

    • Allows configuring both "large" and "small" models separately or together
    • Provides different models for different task complexities for optimal cost/performance
    • Shows current configuration information for reference
  2. Provider Selection:

    • Supports multiple AI providers (Anthropic, OpenAI, Gemini, etc.)
    • Dynamically fetches available models from the selected provider's API
    • Handles provider-specific API requirements and authentication
  3. Model Parameters:

    • Configures maximum token settings for response length control
    • Offers reasoning effort controls for supported models (low/medium/high)
    • Preserves provider-specific configuration options
  4. Search and Filtering:

    • Provides search functionality to filter large model lists
    • Displays model capabilities including token limits and feature support
    • Organizes models with sensible sorting and grouping
  5. API Key Management:

    • Securely handles API keys for different providers
    • Masks sensitive information during input and display
    • Stores keys securely in the local configuration

Technical Implementation Notes

The model command demonstrates several sophisticated technical approaches:

  1. Multi-Step Navigation: Implements a screen stack pattern for intuitive flow navigation:

    const [screenStack, setScreenStack] = useState<
        | "modelType"
        | "provider"
        | "apiKey"
        | "model"
        | "modelParams"
        | "confirmation"
    // Current screen is always the last item in the stack
    const currentScreen = screenStack[screenStack.length - 1];
    // Function to navigate to a new screen
    const navigateTo = (
        | "modelType"
        | "provider"
        | "apiKey"
        | "model"
        | "modelParams"
        | "confirmation"
    ) => {
      setScreenStack((prev) => [...prev, screen]);
    // Function to go back to the previous screen
    const goBack = () => {
      if (screenStack.length > 1) {
        // Remove the current screen from the stack
        setScreenStack((prev) => prev.slice(0, -1));
      } else {
        // If we're at the first screen, call onDone to exit
  2. Dynamic Model Loading: Fetches available models directly from provider APIs:

    async function fetchModels() {
      try {
        // Provider-specific logic...
        const openai = new OpenAI({
          apiKey: apiKey,
          baseURL: baseURL,
          dangerouslyAllowBrowser: true,
        // Fetch the models
        const response = await openai.models.list();
        // Transform the response into our ModelInfo format
        const fetchedModels = [];
        // Process models...
        return fetchedModels;
      } catch (error) {
        setModelLoadError(`Failed to load models: ${error.message}`);
        throw error;
      } finally {
  3. Form Focus Management: Implements sophisticated form navigation with keyboard support:

    // Handle Tab key for form navigation in model params screen
    useInput((input, key) => {
      if (currentScreen === "modelParams" && {
        const formFields = getFormFieldsForModelParams();
        // Move to next field
        setActiveFieldIndex((current) => (current + 1) % formFields.length);
      // Handle Enter key for form submission in model params screen
      if (currentScreen === "modelParams" && key.return) {
        const formFields = getFormFieldsForModelParams();
        if (activeFieldIndex === formFields.length - 1) {
          // If on the Continue button, submit the form
  4. Provider-Specific Handling: Implements custom logic for different AI providers:

    // For Gemini, use the separate fetchGeminiModels function
    if (selectedProvider === "gemini") {
      const geminiModels = await fetchGeminiModels();
      return geminiModels;
  5. Configuration Persistence: Carefully updates global configuration with new model settings:

    function saveConfiguration(provider: ProviderType, model: string) {
      const baseURL = providers[provider]?.baseURL || "";
      // Create a new config object based on the existing one
      const newConfig = { ...config };
      // Update the primary provider regardless of which model we're changing
      newConfig.primaryProvider = provider;
      // Update the appropriate model based on the selection
      if (modelTypeToChange === "both" || modelTypeToChange === "large") {
        newConfig.largeModelName = model;
        newConfig.largeModelBaseURL = baseURL;
        newConfig.largeModelApiKey = apiKey || config.largeModelApiKey;
        newConfig.largeModelMaxTokens = parseInt(maxTokens);
        // Save reasoning effort for large model if supported
        if (supportsReasoningEffort) {
          newConfig.largeModelReasoningEffort = reasoningEffort;
        } else {
          newConfig.largeModelReasoningEffort = undefined;
      // Similar handling for small model...
      // Save the updated configuration

User Experience Benefits

The model command provides several important benefits for Claude Code users:

  1. Customization Control: Gives users fine-grained control over the AI models powering their interaction.

  2. Cost Optimization: Allows setting different models for different complexity tasks, optimizing for cost and speed.

  3. Provider Flexibility: Enables users to choose from multiple AI providers based on preference, cost, or feature needs.

  4. Parameter Tuning: Offers advanced users the ability to tune model parameters for optimal performance.

  5. Progressive Disclosure: Uses a step-by-step flow that makes configuration accessible to both novice and advanced users.

  6. Intuitive Navigation: Implements keyboard navigation with clear indicators for a smooth configuration experience.

The model command exemplifies Claude Code's approach to giving users control and flexibility while maintaining an accessible interface, keeping advanced configuration options available but not overwhelming.