ctx_viz Command
The ctx_viz
command provides a detailed visualization of token usage across different components of the Claude conversation context, helping users understand how their context window is being utilized.
The command is implemented in commands/ctx_viz.ts
as a type: 'local' command that generates a formatted table of token usage:
import type { Command } from "../commands";
import type { Tool } from "../Tool";
import Table from "cli-table3";
import { getSystemPrompt } from "../constants/prompts";
import { getContext } from "../context";
import { zodToJsonSchema } from "zod-to-json-schema";
import { getMessagesGetter } from "../messages";
// Quick and dirty estimate of bytes per token for rough token counts
const BYTES_PER_TOKEN = 4;
interface Section {
title: string;
content: string;
interface ToolSummary {
name: string;
description: string;
function getContextSections(text: string): Section[] {
const sections: Section[] = [];
// Find first <context> tag
const firstContextIndex = text.indexOf("<context");
// Everything before first tag is Core Sysprompt
if (firstContextIndex > 0) {
const coreSysprompt = text.slice(0, firstContextIndex).trim();
if (coreSysprompt) {
title: "Core Sysprompt",
content: coreSysprompt,
let currentPos = firstContextIndex;
let nonContextContent = "";
const regex = /<context\s+name="([^"]*)">([\s\S]*?)<\/context>/g;
let match: RegExpExecArray | null;
while ((match = regex.exec(text)) !== null) {
// Collect text between context tags
if (match.index > currentPos) {
nonContextContent += text.slice(currentPos, match.index);
const [, name = "Unnamed Section", content = ""] = match;
title: name === "codeStyle" ? "CodeStyle + KODING.md's" : name,
content: content.trim(),
currentPos = match.index + match[0].length;
// Collect remaining text after last tag
if (currentPos < text.length) {
nonContextContent += text.slice(currentPos);
// Add non-contextualized content if present
const trimmedNonContext = nonContextContent.trim();
if (trimmedNonContext) {
title: "Non-contextualized Content",
content: trimmedNonContext,
return sections;
function formatTokenCount(bytes: number): string {
const tokens = bytes / BYTES_PER_TOKEN;
const k = tokens / 1000;
return `${Math.round(k * 10) / 10}k`;
function formatByteCount(bytes: number): string {
const kb = bytes / 1024;
return `${Math.round(kb * 10) / 10}kb`;
function createSummaryTable(
systemText: string,
systemSections: Section[],
tools: ToolSummary[],
messages: unknown
): string {
const table = new Table({
head: ["Component", "Tokens", "Size", "% Used"],
style: { head: ["bold"] },
chars: {
mid: "─",
"left-mid": "├",
"mid-mid": "┼",
"right-mid": "┤",
const messagesStr = JSON.stringify(messages);
const toolsStr = JSON.stringify(tools);
// Calculate total for percentages
const total = systemText.length + toolsStr.length + messagesStr.length;
const getPercentage = (n: number) => `${Math.round((n / total) * 100)}%`;
// System prompt and its sections
"System prompt",
for (const section of systemSections) {
` ${section.title}`,
// Tools
"Tool definitions",
for (const tool of tools) {
` ${tool.name}`,
// Messages and total
["Total", formatTokenCount(total), formatByteCount(total), "100%"]
return table.toString();
const command: Command = {
name: "ctx-viz",
"[ANT-ONLY] Show token usage breakdown for the current conversation context",
isEnabled: true,
isHidden: false,
type: "local",
userFacingName() {
return this.name;
async call(_args: string, cmdContext: { options: { tools: Tool[] } }) {
// Get tools and system prompt with injected context
const [systemPromptRaw, sysContext] = await Promise.all([
const rawTools = cmdContext.options.tools;
// Full system prompt with context sections injected
let systemPrompt = systemPromptRaw.join("\n");
for (const [name, content] of Object.entries(sysContext)) {
systemPrompt += `\n<context name="${name}">${content}</context>`;
// Get full tool definitions including prompts and schemas
const tools = rawTools.map((t) => {
// Get full prompt and schema
const fullPrompt = t.prompt({ dangerouslySkipPermissions: false });
const schema = JSON.stringify(
"inputJSONSchema" in t && t.inputJSONSchema
? t.inputJSONSchema
: zodToJsonSchema(t.inputSchema)
return {
name: t.name,
description: `${fullPrompt}\n\nSchema:\n${schema}`,
// Get current messages from REPL
const messages = getMessagesGetter()();
const sections = getContextSections(systemPrompt);
return createSummaryTable(systemPrompt, sections, tools, messages);
export default command;
The ctx_viz
command provides a detailed breakdown of token usage across different components of the conversation context:
System Prompt Analysis:
- Parses the system prompt to identify its separate sections
- Extracts
tags and their contents for individual analysis - Identifies core system prompt sections vs. injected context
Token Usage Calculation:
- Estimates token usage based on a bytes-per-token approximation
- Presents data in kilobytes and estimated token counts
- Calculates percentage usage for each component of the context
Tool Definitions Analysis:
- Extracts complete tool definitions including prompts and JSON schemas
- Calculates token usage per tool
- Shows the total footprint of tool definitions in the context
Conversation Message Analysis:
- Includes the current message history in the analysis
- Shows what portion of the context window is used by the conversation
Structured Presentation:
- Outputs a formatted ASCII table with columns for component, tokens, size, and percentage
- Uses hierarchical indentation to show the structure of the context
- Includes totals for complete context usage
Technical Implementation Notes
The ctx_viz
command demonstrates several sophisticated implementation patterns:
Regex-Based Context Parsing: Uses regular expressions to parse the context sections from the system prompt, handling nested tags and multi-line content.
Parallel Resource Loading: Uses
to concurrently fetch system prompt and context data for efficiency. -
Tool Schema Introspection: Extracts JSON schemas from tool definitions using either explicit schemas or by converting Zod schemas to JSON Schema format.
Token Approximation: Implements a simple but effective token estimation approach based on byte length, which provides a reasonable approximation without requiring a tokenizer.
Table Formatting: Uses the
library to create a formatted ASCII table with custom styling, making the output readable in a terminal environment. -
Context Section Management: Special-cases certain context sections like "codeStyle" with custom labeling for clarity.
User Experience Benefits
The ctx_viz
command addresses several important needs for developers using Claude Code:
Context Window Transparency: Gives users insight into how their limited context window is being utilized.
Optimization Opportunities: Helps identify large components that might be consuming excessive context, enabling targeted optimization.
Debugging Aid: Provides a debugging tool for situations where context limitations are affecting Claude's performance.
System Prompt Visibility: Makes the usually hidden system prompt and context visible to users for better understanding of Claude's behavior.
The command is particularly valuable for advanced users and developers who need to understand and optimize their context usage to get the most out of Claude's capabilities within token limitations.