cost Command

The cost command provides users with visibility into the cost and duration of their current Claude Code session, helping them monitor their API usage and expenses.


The command is implemented in commands/cost.ts as a simple type: 'local' command that calls a formatting function:

import type { Command } from "../commands";
import { formatTotalCost } from "../cost-tracker";

const cost = {
  type: "local",
  name: "cost",
  description: "Show the total cost and duration of the current session",
  isEnabled: true,
  isHidden: false,
  async call() {
    return formatTotalCost();
  userFacingName() {
    return "cost";
} satisfies Command;

export default cost;

This command relies on the cost tracking system implemented in cost-tracker.ts, which maintains a running total of API costs and session duration.

Cost Tracking System

The cost tracking system is implemented in cost-tracker.ts and consists of several key components:

  1. State Management: Maintains a simple singleton state object tracking:

    • totalCost: Running total of API costs in USD
    • totalAPIDuration: Cumulative time spent waiting for API responses
    • startTime: Timestamp when the session began
  2. Cost Accumulation: Provides a function to add costs as they occur:

    export function addToTotalCost(cost: number, duration: number): void {
      STATE.totalCost += cost;
      STATE.totalAPIDuration += duration;
  3. Reporting: Formats cost information in a human-readable format:

    export function formatTotalCost(): string {
      return chalk.grey(
        `Total cost: ${formatCost(STATE.totalCost)}
        Total duration (API): ${formatDuration(STATE.totalAPIDuration)}
        Total duration (wall): ${formatDuration(getTotalDuration())}`
  4. Persistence: Uses a React hook to save session cost data when the process exits:

    export function useCostSummary(): void {
      useEffect(() => {
        const f = () => {
          process.stdout.write("\n" + formatTotalCost() + "\n");
          // Save last cost and duration to project config
          const projectConfig = getCurrentProjectConfig();
            lastCost: STATE.totalCost,
            lastAPIDuration: STATE.totalAPIDuration,
            lastDuration: getTotalDuration(),
            lastSessionId: SESSION_ID,
        process.on("exit", f);
        return () => {
"exit", f);
      }, []);

UI Components

The cost tracking system is complemented by two UI components:

  1. Cost Component: A simple display component used in the debug panel to show the most recent API call cost:

    export function Cost({
    }: Props): React.ReactNode {
      if (!debug) {
        return null;
      const durationInSeconds = (durationMs / 1000).toFixed(1);
      return (
        <Box flexDirection="column" minWidth={23} width={23}>
          <Text dimColor>
            Cost: ${costUSD.toFixed(4)} ({durationInSeconds}s)
  2. CostThresholdDialog: A warning dialog shown when users exceed a certain cost threshold:

    export function CostThresholdDialog({ onDone }: Props): React.ReactNode {
      // Handle Ctrl+C, Ctrl+D and Esc
      useInput((input, key) => {
        if ((key.ctrl && (input === "c" || input === "d")) || key.escape) {
      return (
          <Box marginBottom={1} flexDirection="column">
            <Text bold>You've spent $5 on the Anthropic API this session.</Text>
            <Text>Learn more about how to monitor your spending:</Text>
            <Link url="" />
                  value: "ok",
                  label: "Got it, thanks!",

Technical Implementation Notes

The cost tracking system demonstrates several design considerations:

  1. Singleton State: Uses a single state object with a clear comment warning against adding more state.

  2. Persistence Across Sessions: Saves cost data to the project configuration, allowing for tracking across sessions.

  3. Formatting Flexibility: Uses different decimal precision based on the cost amount (4 decimal places for small amounts, 2 for larger ones).

  4. Multiple Time Metrics: Tracks both wall clock time and API request time separately.

  5. Environment-Aware Testing: Includes a reset function that's only available in test environments.

  6. Exit Hooks: Uses process exit hooks to ensure cost data is saved and displayed even if the application exits unexpectedly.

User Experience Considerations

The cost tracking system addresses several user needs:

  1. Transparency: Provides clear visibility into API usage costs.

  2. Usage Monitoring: Helps users track and manage their API spending.

  3. Efficiency Insights: Shows both total runtime and API time, helping identify bottlenecks.

  4. Threshold Warnings: Alerts users when they've spent significant amounts.

  5. Documentation Links: Provides resources for learning more about cost management.

The /cost command and associated systems represent Claude Code's approach to transparent cost management, giving users control over their API usage while maintaining a simple, unobtrusive interface.