terminalSetup Command
The terminalSetup
command enhances the user experience by configuring terminal-specific keyboard shortcuts, specifically implementing Shift+Enter for newlines in terminals like iTerm2 and VS Code.
The command is implemented in commands/terminalSetup.ts
as a type: 'local' command that configures terminal-specific settings:
import { Command } from "../commands";
import { EOL, platform, homedir } from "os";
import { execFileNoThrow } from "../utils/execFileNoThrow";
import chalk from "chalk";
import { getTheme } from "../utils/theme";
import { env } from "../utils/env";
import { getGlobalConfig, saveGlobalConfig } from "../utils/config";
import { markProjectOnboardingComplete } from "../ProjectOnboarding";
import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from "fs";
import { join } from "path";
import { safeParseJSON } from "../utils/json";
import { logError } from "../utils/log";
const terminalSetup: Command = {
type: "local",
name: "terminal-setup",
userFacingName() {
return "terminal-setup";
"Install Shift+Enter key binding for newlines (iTerm2 and VSCode only)",
(platform() === "darwin" && env.terminal === "iTerm.app") ||
env.terminal === "vscode",
isHidden: false,
async call() {
let result = "";
switch (env.terminal) {
case "iTerm.app":
result = await installBindingsForITerm2();
case "vscode":
result = installBindingsForVSCodeTerminal();
// Update global config to indicate Shift+Enter key binding is installed
const config = getGlobalConfig();
config.shiftEnterKeyBindingInstalled = true;
// Mark onboarding as complete
return result;
export function isShiftEnterKeyBindingInstalled(): boolean {
return getGlobalConfig().shiftEnterKeyBindingInstalled === true;
export default terminalSetup;
The command includes specialized implementation functions for different terminal types, with unique approaches for iTerm2 and VS Code.
The terminalSetup
command provides a targeted terminal enhancement:
Terminal Detection:
- Determines the current terminal environment automatically
- Supports iTerm2 on macOS and VS Code's integrated terminal
- Only enables the command when in compatible terminals
Keyboard Shortcut Configuration:
- Configures Shift+Enter to insert a newline without submitting input
- Uses terminal-specific mechanisms for each supported terminal
- For iTerm2, uses the defaults command to modify keybindings
- For VS Code, modifies the keybindings.json configuration file
Configuration Status Tracking:
- Updates global configuration to track installation state
- Provides a utility function to check if bindings are installed
- Avoids redundant installations by checking state
Onboarding Integration:
- Marks project onboarding as complete after setup
- Integrates with the broader onboarding workflow
- Provides a smooth setup experience for new users
Technical Implementation Notes
The terminalSetup
command demonstrates several sophisticated technical approaches:
Platform-Specific Implementations: Implements different strategies based on the terminal type:
switch (env.terminal) { case "iTerm.app": result = await installBindingsForITerm2(); break; case "vscode": result = installBindingsForVSCodeTerminal(); break; }
macOS Defaults System: For iTerm2, uses the macOS defaults system to modify key bindings:
async function installBindingsForITerm2(): Promise<string> { const { code } = await execFileNoThrow("defaults", [ "write", "com.googlecode.iterm2", "GlobalKeyMap", "-dict-add", "0xd-0x20000-0x24", `<dict> <key>Text</key> <string>\\n</string> <key>Action</key> <integer>12</integer> <key>Version</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Keycode</key> <integer>13</integer> <key>Modifiers</key> <integer>131072</integer> </dict>`, ]); // Error handling and success message... }
VS Code Configuration File Handling: For VS Code, directly modifies the keybindings.json file:
function installBindingsForVSCodeTerminal(): string { const vscodeKeybindingsPath = join( homedir(), platform() === "win32" ? join("AppData", "Roaming", "Code", "User") : platform() === "darwin" ? join("Library", "Application Support", "Code", "User") : join(".config", "Code", "User"), "keybindings.json" ); try { const content = readFileSync(vscodeKeybindingsPath, "utf-8"); const keybindings: VSCodeKeybinding[] = (safeParseJSON(content) as VSCodeKeybinding[]) ?? []; // Check for existing bindings... // Add new binding... // Write updated file... } catch (e) { // Error handling... } }
Cross-Platform Path Handling: Uses the path.join utility along with platform detection to handle OS-specific paths:
const vscodeKeybindingsPath = join( homedir(), platform() === "win32" ? join("AppData", "Roaming", "Code", "User") : platform() === "darwin" ? join("Library", "Application Support", "Code", "User") : join(".config", "Code", "User"), "keybindings.json" );
Safe JSON Parsing: Uses a utility function for safe JSON parsing to handle potential errors:
const keybindings: VSCodeKeybinding[] = (safeParseJSON(content) as VSCodeKeybinding[]) ?? [];
User Experience Benefits
The terminalSetup
command addresses a specific pain point in terminal interaction:
Improved Input Experience: Allows multi-line input with Shift+Enter without submitting prematurely.
Workflow Enhancement: Makes it easier to compose complex prompts or code snippets.
Consistency Across Environments: Provides similar behavior in different terminal environments.
Seamless Integration: Configures the terminal without requiring users to understand terminal-specific configuration files.
Visual Feedback: Provides clear success messages when binding installation completes.
The terminalSetup
command exemplifies Claude Code's attention to detail in the user experience, addressing a specific friction point in terminal interaction to create a more seamless interaction pattern for complex inputs.