GlobTool: Find Files Fast

GlobTool finds files that match patterns. It works with any codebase size and sorts results by modification time so you see the most recently changed files first.

Complete Prompt

// Tool Prompt: GlobTool
export const DESCRIPTION = `- Fast file pattern matching tool that works with any codebase size
- Supports glob patterns like "**/*.js" or "src/**/*.ts"
- Returns matching file paths sorted by modification time
- Use this tool when you need to find files by name patterns
- When you are doing an open ended search that may require multiple rounds of globbing and grepping, use the Agent tool instead

Tool Prompt: GlobTool

  • Fast file pattern matching tool that works with any codebase size
  • Supports glob patterns like "/*.js" or "src//*.ts"
  • Returns matching file paths sorted by modification time
  • Use this tool when you need to find files by name patterns
  • When you are doing an open ended search that may require multiple rounds of globbing and grepping, use the Agent tool instead

How It Works

GlobTool has two main parts:

  1. Front-end component (GlobTool.tsx)

    • Handles the interface between Claude and the file system
    • Validates inputs and formats results
    • Manages permissions
  2. Glob function (file.ts)

    • Does the actual file matching with Node's glob library
    • Sorts files by how recently they were changed
    • Limits results to avoid overwhelming Claude

Here's what the core function looks like:

// From file.ts - the core file matching function
export async function glob(
  filePattern: string,
  cwd: string,
  { limit, offset }: { limit: number; offset: number },
  abortSignal: AbortSignal,
): Promise<{ files: string[]; truncated: boolean }> {
  // Uses Node's glob library
  const paths = await globLib([filePattern], {
    nocase: true,  // Case-insensitive matching
    nodir: true,   // Only return files, not directories
    signal: abortSignal,  // Support for cancellation
    stat: true,    // Get file stats for sorting
    withFileTypes: true,  // Return full file info objects
  // Sort by modification time (newest last, reversed later)
  const sortedPaths = paths.sort((a, b) => (a.mtimeMs ?? 0) - (b.mtimeMs ?? 0))
  const truncated = sortedPaths.length > offset + limit
  return {
    files: sortedPaths
      .slice(offset, offset + limit)
      .map(path => path.fullpath()),
    truncated,  // Let Claude know if results were limited

The results get formatted nicely for Claude:

// Formats results in a clean, readable format
renderResultForAssistant(output) {
  let result = output.filenames.join('\n')
  if (output.filenames.length === 0) {
    result = 'No files found'
  else if (output.truncated) {
    result +=
      '\n(Results are truncated. Consider using a more specific path or pattern.)'
  return result

Key Features

GlobTool provides:

  1. Speed and scale

    • Works with large codebases
    • Sorts by modification time (newest first)
    • Limits to 100 results
    • Supports cancellation
  2. Pattern support

    • Standard glob patterns like **/*.js
    • Case-insensitive matching
    • File-only results (no directories)
  3. Safety

    • Indicates truncated results
    • Recommends Agent for complex searches
    • Path permission validation


GlobTool follows a simple structure:

GlobTool.tsx (Interface)
glob() in file.ts (Main function)
Node's glob library (Core implementation)

As a read-only tool, it:

  • Runs concurrently with other tools
  • Uses minimal permissions
  • Prevents file modifications


GlobTool just needs to check if it can read the directory:

needsPermissions({ path }) {
  return !hasReadPermission(path || getCwd())

The system also has these safety measures:

  • Normalizes paths to prevent directory traversal
  • Rejects paths with null bytes or other weird stuff
  • Makes sure operations stay within allowed directories


Here's how to use it:

  1. Find JavaScript files

    GlobTool(pattern: "**/*.js")
  2. Look in a specific folder

    GlobTool(pattern: "*.ts", path: "/path/to/src")
  3. Find config files

    GlobTool(pattern: "**/config.{json,yaml,yml}")

GlobTool pairs well with GrepTool - first find the files, then search their contents.